![I study the magnetosphere of Jupiter and Saturn.](./pict/vg2_p21719.jpg)
- 3 - 7 Dec. 2012, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco
"Global MHD simulation of Kronian magnetosphere with solar wind data from Cassini"
Fukazawa, K., Raymond J. Walker, Stefan Eriksson, and Robert Wilson
"Boundary layer dynamics and energy transport in the earth's magnetosphere"
T. Ogino, R. J. Walker, K. Fukazawa
- 10 - 16 Nov. 2012, SC12, Salt Lake City, USA
"Massively Parallel Computing of Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic Simulation Toward Peta and Exa Scale Computers"
Fukazawa, K., T. Nanri, and T. Takami
27 - 28 Sept., 2012, JSST2012 International Conference on Simulation Technology, Kobe, Japan
"Effective Performance of Large-Scale MHD simulation for Planetary Magnetosphere with Massively Parallel Computer"
K. Fukazawa, and T. Nanri
4 - 7 Sept., 2012, The 12th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Fukuoka, Japan
"Performance Measurement of Parallel Vlasov Code for Space Plasma on Various Scalar-Type Supercomputer Systems"
T. Umeda, and K. Fukazawa
13 - 17 Aug. 2012, AOGS2012, Singapore
(Invited talk) "Trends and Future of Magnetospheric Global Simulations"
Fukazawa, K.
(Invited talk) "Comparative Global Dynamics of Planetary Magnetospheres"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, Walker, R. J.
"Estimation of Magnetic Flux Diffusion Region Using a System of Magnetic Field Tracing in Global MHD Simulations"
Kubota, Y., K. T. Murata, K. Yamamoto, K. Fukazawa
25 - 27 July, 2012, The 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Liverpool, UK
"Performance of large scale MHD simulation of global planetary magnetosphere with massively parallel scalar type supercomputer including post processing"
K. Fukazawa, and T. Nanri
16 - 19 July, 2012, CSC'12, Las Vegas, USA
"Dependent Iterations in Scientific Calculations Parallelized by the Parareal-in-Time Algorithm"
T. Takami, K. Fukazawa, H. Honda, Y. Inadomi, R. Susukita, T. Kobayashi, and T. Nanri
3 - 5 April 2012, Symposium on Planetary Science 2012
"MHD simulation of Kronian magnetosphere with high resolution solar wind data by Cassini"
K. Fukazawa, R. J. Walker, and S. Eriksson
5 - 9 Dec. 2011, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco
"A High Resolution Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation Study of Kronian Field-Aligned Currents and Aurora"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, and R. J. Walker
"Development of Large-Scale Data Visualization System for Magnetic Flux Tracing in Global MHD Simulations"
K. T. Murata, S. Watari, Y. Kubota, K. Fukazawa, K. Tsubouchi, S. Fujita, T. Tanaka, M. Den, Y. Murayama
- 12 - 18 Nov. 2011, SC11, Seattle, USA
"Study of the Moon-Solar Wind Interaction with Parallel Kinetic Plasma Simulations"
Umeda, T., Y. Ito, Y. Kiani, and K. Fukazawa
"Massively Parallel Computing of Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic Simulation Toward Peta and Exa Scale Computers"
Fukazawa, K., T. Umeda, and T. Ogino
3 - 6 September 2011, The First ICSU World Data System Conference, Kyoto, Japan
"Visualization of fluxrope generation process using large quantities of MHD simulation data"
Y. Kubota, K. Yamamoto, K. Fukazawa, K. T. Murata
13 - 20 August 2011, URSI GASS2011, Istanbul, Turkey
"Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Magnetopauses of Saturn, Jupiter and the Earth"
R. J. Walker, Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino
24 - 31 July 2011, ISSS-10, Banff, Canada
"Simulating Planetary Magnetospheres: An Example from Saturn" (Invited Talk)
R. J. Walker, Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino
13 - 17 Dec. 2010, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco
"Formation of vortices on the Kronian magnetosphere with the high temporal and spatial resolution for MHD simulation"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, R. J. Walker, and K. Yumoto
"MHD Simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn"
Walker, R. J., K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
"A Science Cloud: OneSpaceNet"
Y. Morikawa, K. T. Murata, S. Watari, H. Kato, K. Yamamoto, S. Inoue, K. Tsubouchi, K. Fukazawa, E. Kimura, O. Tatebe, S. Shimojo
"Demonstration of NICT Space Weather Cloud --Integration of Supercomputer into Analysis and Visualization Environment--"
S. Watari, Y. Morikawa, K. Yamamoto, S. Inoue, K. Tsubouchi, K. Fukazawa, E. Kimura, O. Tatebe, H. Kato, S. Shimojo, K. T. Murata
7 - 10 Dec. 2010, 20th International Toki Conference, Gifu
"Acceleration of PIC simulation with GPU"
Suzuki, J., K. Fukazawa, H. Shimazu, M. Den
- 13 - 19 Nov. 2010, SC10, New Orleans, USA
"Highly Scalable Full Electromagnetic Vlasov Solver for Cross-Scale Coupling in Space Plasma"
Umeda, T., K. Fukazawa, Y. Nariyuki, Y. Matsumoto, T.K.M. Nakamura
"Performance Measurements of Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic Simulation using Various Types of Supercomputer"
Fukazawa, K., T. Umeda, T. Ogino, K. Yumoto, and Ken T. Murata
4 - 8 Oct. 2010, 5th Alfven Conference, Sapporo
"Development of the simulation for interaction between the planetary magnetosphere and its moon"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, R. J. Walker, and K. Yumoto
18 - 25 July 2010, COSPAR 2010, Bremen
"MHD simulation of the planetary magnetospheres by using various scalar type supercomputer systems"
Fukazawa, K., T. Umeda, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker, and K. Yumoto
"A Simulation Study of Surface Waves on Planetary Magnetopauses"
Walker, R. J., K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, D. Morozof
14 - 18 Dec. 2009, AGU Fall Meeting 2009, San Francisco
"On the Importance of Solar Wind Observations Upstream of Jupiter's Magnetosphere"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, R. J. Walker, and T. Tanaka
"Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at Saturn's Magnetopause"
Walker, R. J., K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, D. Morozof
2 - 5 Nov. 2009, Symposium of magnetosphere and ionosphere, Kanagawa
(Invited talk)"Dynamics and configuration of Jovian magnetosphere from simulation and related observations"
Fukazawa, K
6 - 9 Oct. 2009, 21st International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, Portugal
"Performance measurement of magneto-hydro-dynamic code for space plasma on the various scalar type supercomputer systems"
Fukazawa, K., T. Umeda, T. Miyoshi, N. Terada, Y. Matsumoto, and T. Ogino
"Vlasov Simulation on the Interaction Between Solar Wind and a Dielectric Body"
Umeda, T., T. Kimura, K. Togano, K. Fukazawa, Y. Matsumoto, T. Miyoshi, N. Terada, T. K. M. Nakamura, and T. Ogino
"Comparative study of global MHD simulations of the terrestrial magnetosphere with different numerical schemes"
Matsumoto, Y., N. Terada, T. Miyoshi, K. Fukazawa, T. Umeda, T. Ogino, and K. Seki
"The HLLD approximate Riemann solver for magnetospheric simulation"
Miyoshi, T., N. Terada, Y. Matsumoto, K. Fukazawa, T. Umeda, and K. Kusano
11 - 15 Aug. 2009, AOGS2009, Singapore
"The dependence of Saturn's magnetosphere and polar ionosphere on solar wind condition"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, and R. J. Walker
"A simulation study of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at Saturn and the Earth"
Walker, R. J., K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, M. Ashour-Abdalla, M. El-Aloui
(Invited talk)"Global magnetospheric dynamic of Jupiter and Saturn"
Fukazawa, K., T. Ogino, and R. J. Walker
"MHD simulation of interaction between the solar wind and magnetosphere of hot-Jupiter"
Ogino, T., K. Fukazawa, T. Umeda
(Invited talk)"Vorticity and magnetic field oscillation in Saturn's morning magnetosphere"
Walker, R. J., K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, D. Morozof
3 - 10 July 2009, ISSS-9, France
"High Efficiency Computing with MHD and Vlasov Simulations of Global Magnetosphere"
Fukazawa K., T. Umeda, T. Ogino, T. Tanaka
- 10 - 11 Mar. 2009, JSPS Space Colloquium at KVA 2009 "Sun and Earth Connections", Stockholm, Sweden
"MHD Simulations for Solar Wind Planetary Interactions"(Invited talk)
K. Fukazawa
- 15 - 19 Dec. 2008, AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
"The Dependence of Saturn's Magnetosphere and Polar Ionosphere on Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure and IMF Direction"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
"Simulations and Observations of Vortices Near Saturn's Dawn Magnetopause"
R. J. Walker, K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, D. Morozoff-Abezgauz
"Dependency of the polar cap phenomena and magnetospheric dynamics on the intrinsic magnetic field"
T. Ogino, T. Aoyama, K. Fukazawa, R. J. Walker
- 26 - 28 Nov. 2008, International Symposium for Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, Kanagawa, Japan
"Comparative magnetosphere from the global simulation"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 10 - 13 Nov. 2008, International Symposium: Fifty Years after IGY, Tsukuba, Japan
"Development of the Global Simulation Model With the Nested Grids"
K. Fukazawa
- 9 - 12 Oct. 2008, 124th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Sendai, Japan
"Turbulent convection in the magnetosphere related to the solar wind and planetary characters"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 8 - 12 Sep. 2008, 14th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Fukuoka, Japan
"Development of the Global Magnetospheric Simulation Model with Multiple Time Steps and Grid Spacing"
K. Fukazawa
- 13 - 20 July 2008, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada
"TSimulations and observations of vortices near Saturn's dayside magnetopause"
R. J. Walker, K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, D. Morozoff
- 16 - 20 June 2008, AOGS2008 5th Annual General Meeting, Busan, South Korea
"Magnetotail Dynamics in Jupiter: periodic plasma ejections"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
"Development of the Global Simulation Model of the Magnetosphere with 1Re Inner Boundary"
K. Fukazawa
"An MHD Simulation of the Magnetosphere of Hot-Jupiter"
T. Ogino, K. Fukazawa
- 25 - 31 May 2008, Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science, Chiba,
"Development of the Global Simulation Model of the Magnetosphere with
the Nested Grids"
K. Fukazawa
"Behavior of Saturn's magnetosphere on various solar wind conditions"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 17 - 19 March 2008, Planetary Science workshop, Sendai, Japan
"Response of the jovian magnetosphere to the solar wind"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 09 - 14 Dec. 2007, AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
"Magnetotail dynamics in the rapid rotating planets"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 28 Sptember - 1 October 2007, 122th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Nagoya, Japan
"Development of the Global Simulation Model of the Magnetosphere with
1Re Inner Boundary"
K. Fukazawa
- 28 Sptember - 1 October 2007, 122th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Nagoya, Japan
"MHD Simulation of Kronian Magnetosphere with Titan Plasma Torus"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 11 - 12 September 2007, Joint STE and NICT Simulation Workshop, Osaka,
"Development of the Global Simulation Model of the Magnetosphere with
1Re Inner Boundary"
K. Fukazawa
- 10 - 11 September 2007, Investigative commission of Magnetic Storm Simulator,
Osaka, Japan
"Programming Coding and Effective Speed"
K. Fukazawa
- 2 - 13 July 2007, IUGG2007, Perugia, Italy
The response of Saturn's Magnetosphere to a Northward IMF"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 25 - 29 June 2007, Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Meeting 2007,
San Antonio Texas, USA
"Formation of the Magnetic Island Wall at the Dayside Magnetopause in
the Kronian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 19 - 24 May 2007, Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science, Chiba,
"Formation of the Magnetic Island Wall at the Dayside Magnetopause in the Kronian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 25 Feb. - 3 Mar. 2007, ISSS-8, Kauai, Hawaii, USA
"Magnetospheric convection with periodic plasma ejections at Saturn for northward IMF"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
"Efficient MHD Code Using Scalar-Parallel Supercomputer and Its Application
to the Earth's Magnetosphere" (Invited talk)
T. Ogino and K. Fukazawa *presented by Fukazawa
- 11 - 15 Dec. 2006, AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
"Magnetospheric Convection with Periodic Plasma Ejections at Jupiter and Saturn"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 14 - 17 November 2006, CAWSES International Workshop on Space Weather Modeling, Kanagawa, Japan
"Relation of the aurora activity with the magnetospheric dynamics in the rapid rotational planets"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 04 - 07 November 2006, 120th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Kanagawa, Japan
"A Sequence of the Plasma Ejection on Saturn’s Magnetosphere for Northward IMF"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 16 - 23 July 2006, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China
"The Configuration and Dynamics of the Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 07 - 09 June 2006, STE Simulation Workshop, Fukuoka, Japan
"Conparison of Jovian magnetosphere with Saturnian magnetosphere and
importance of the multi scale coupling on the planetary magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 14 - 18 May 2006, Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science, Chiba,
"Response of Jovian Magnetosphere to reverse of IMF By component"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 05 - 09 Dec. 2005, AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
"An MHD Simulation Study of the Effects of IMF BY and Dipole Tilt
on the Configuration and Dynamics of Jupiter’s Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 14 Nov. 2005, 2nd International Student Mini-Workshop on Plasma Science
and Technology, Nagoya, Japan
"MHD Simulation of the Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 28 Sep. - 01 Oct. 2005, 118th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Kyoto, Japan
"The effects of the magnetic dipole tilt on the Jovian magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 19 Sep. 2005, "Deutschland in Japan Jahr" Academic Symposium Plasma Science
and Technology Symposium, Nagoya, Japan
"An MHD Simulation of Interaction Between the Solar Wind and Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 08 Aug. 2005, The 2005 meeting of the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets
community, Leicester, U.K.
"The Influence of IMF BY on the Structure and Dynamics of the Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 20 - 24 June 2005, AOGS 2nd Annual Meeting, Singapore
"Dynamics of the Jovian Magnetosphere with the Dipole Tilt"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 22 - 26 May 2005, Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science, Chiba,
Japan "Relation of the IMF By to Plasmoid Ejection at Jovian Magnetotail"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 26 - 31 Mar. 2005, ISSS-7, Kyoto, Japan
"An MHD Simulation of Interaction Between the Solar Wind and Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 03 - 04 Mar. 2005, Planetary ionosphere-magnetosphere and atomosphere
workshop, Sendai, Japan
"Dawn - Dusk Asymmetry of Jovian Aurora and Global MHD Simulation"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 26 - 28 Jan. 2005, PSS-2005/SPP-22, Nagoya, Japan
"MHD Simulation of Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 13 - 17 Dec. 2004, 2004 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
"Effect of IMF By on the Interaction Between the Solar Wind and Jovian
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 26 - 29 Sep. 2004, 116th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Matsuyama, Japan
"MHD Simulation of the Interaction Between the Solar Wind with IMF Y-component
and the Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 05 - 09 July, 2004, AOGS 1st Annual Meeting, Singapore
"MHD Simulation of the Jovian Magnetosphere with Effect of Io Torus"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 17 - 21 May 2004, 2004 AGU Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada
" The Response of the Magnetotails of Earth and Jupiter to a Rotation of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field"
R. J. Walker, T. Ogino, K. Fukazawa
- 09 - 13 May 2004, Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science, Chiba,
"Dynamics of Jovian Magnetosphere with Northward IMF"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 11 - 12 Mar. 2004, Planetary ionosphere-magnetosphere and atomosphere
workshop, Sendai, Japan
"MHD Simulation of the Jovian Magnetosphere"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
- 31 Oct. - 03 Nov. 2003, 114th SGEPSS Fall Meeting, Toyama, Japan
"MHD Simulation of the Jovian Magnetosphere with the effect of Io torus"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 10 - 12 Sep. 2003, STE Simulation Workshop, Fujisawa, Japan
"3D MHD Simulation of Jovian Magnetosphere with the Spatiotemporal Multi
Scale Method"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino, R. J. Walker
- 30 Jun. - 11 July 2003, IUGG 2003, Sapporo, Japan
"Supercomputing of Space Plasmas and 3-Dimensional Visualization"
K. Fukazawa, Kyung Sun Park and T. Ogino
- 26 -29 May 2003, Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science, Chiba,
"MHD Simulation of the Jovian Magnetosphere by a Spatiotemporal Multi
Scale Method"
K. Fukazawa, T. Ogino
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